Social exclusion and inequality are taking on new forms, challenging both citizens and communities, as well as the evolving social and healthcare systems. Experts by experience and peer supporters serve as examples of citizen-driven approaches that, through research and development, lead to innovative solutions for current and future challenges.
VoimaProfi - empowering people towards socially inclusive society

The expectations and experiences of citizens and customers are a crucial resource for impactful development work. They are active partners in this project. The experiences of citizens and customers are the central resource for impactful development work. This requires strengthening an action research approach and acquiring new methodological expertise, with a focus on empowering and enabling citizens and customers.
The Laurea VoimaProfi project consists of four sub-studies, focusing on digital inclusion for vulnerable groups, peer support for mental health, professional development for experts with a criminal background, and well-being at work for elderly care personnel. The project aims to produce high-quality research and practical solutions to address the challenges of social exclusion and inequality, while also enhancing the research and development skills of Laurea staff and students.
The project involves innovative methodologies, and experts by experience participate as co-researchers. The project collaborates closely with key regional and national stakeholders to ensure societal impact and social sustainability.
Empowering People Towards Socially Inclusive Society (VoimaProfi) is a project at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture from 2022 to 2024. The funding is part of the profiling support distributed by the Ministry to enhance research and development activities in universities and polytechnics. The aim is to accelerate and support the strategic profiling of higher education institutions to improve research quality. For more information, you can contact the project manager, Dr. Sari Heikkinen, and the scientific director, Dr. Soile Juujärvi, via email at
VoimaProfi -publications
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